Thursday, February 26, 2009

Memo To The News Media

Hey news media -- you dummies! Don't you know that you hold the keys to America's recovery - and your own financial future in your own hands? When I read one financial gloom and doom story -- up front and center, then see good financial news buried on page 8 or in the broadcast, I immediatley think back to the advice that I afforded to The higher-highers of The Washington Post during the last severe economic downturn back in 1991. In a meeting with their senior editorial staff they were lamenting the sharp decline in ad pages and were very worried about the future financial veracity of the Washington Post. "You're exacerbating these problems.", I offered. "When you put bad financial news up front and bury the good financial news, expect business to react and pull their ad dollars.", I offered. They were shocked. One editor countered, "We can't jeopardize our journalistic integrity." "Sir, if you keep promoting the bad news while burying the good news, you won't have journalistic integrity to guard, because you won't have jobs.", I explained. I didn't think at the time that my statements had any impact, but in the following weeks and months you could actually see the financial editing tide turn as the good financial news reached the front pages. People in the DC area gained confidence and in the many years that followed, the Capital District enjoyed great financial success. Now all of the news media - from top to bottom -- are leading with bad financial news and burying any good news. Ok, news boys and girls -- just know that you're the ones shaping opinion and actions. Keep going the way you are and we can all meet in the bread lines. Your choice.

The Count

1 comment:

  1. She was a hard-bitten veteran of the local news biz. Her figure did the rhumba right into my brain as she glided into the booth with me. She leaned in close and said; "If it bleeds, it leads." It was a fact and it was hard. American news is a product, the flashier, the trashier, the better. Like a low cut Salma Hayek top, it becomes a magnet and your eyes,...two steel ball bearings straining to get out of your head,....I wish she was out of my head,...For months, I've tried to reject the allure of sensational American News, with the flag, fighter jets and commentators barely disguised as actual journalists. They wring the American spirit out with emotion. "Just the facts, ma'am?",...I think not. At some point, I'll be able to return to my prim BBC presenter, with her tight bun,...(the hair, stupid),...and her actual balanced reportage,...but for now, I'm a slave, an Australian pimp, with a cadre,...and army,...a "corp",...of seductresses,....and a product called News.
